Financial Planning

Financial planning isn't just a component of our services—it's the driving force behind everything we do on your behalf. We view wealth management as a complete picture, where every element works seamlessly like a well-oiled machine. Your financial plan is at the core, influencing everything from your investment strategy to your risk management approach.

We view your goals as not just aspirations, but achievements in the making.

At Momentous Wealth Management, to pave the way for your financial success, we start by understanding where you stand, and as a team, envision where you want to go. This process is our gateway to getting to know you, identifying your priorities, and shaping a plan tailored to your individual needs. Whether it's saving for retirement, funding education, managing life's uncertainties, or making significant investments like homes and properties, we've got you covered.

What’s important to you is important to us. Changing jobs, getting a raise, or aspiring to retire earlier—these aren't just numbers and static data points; they're milestones in your life, and we treat them as such. We assess and update your financial plan accordingly to ensure it evolves with you.

Share Your Goals

We start with a conversation about your goals. 

Envision Your Future 

Together, we envision what your future could look like. We share recommendations and together, begin to craft a plan to achieve your goals. 

Yes, I want to know this!

Your Plan Evolves, With You.

With your goals and our recommendations, we assess projections to equip you with tools and insights for informed decision-making about your future. And we don’t stop there. With your best interests top of mind, we make periodic adjustments to the plan to align with your evolving goals, priorities, and life events.