Tax Planning

At Momentous Wealth Management, we view tax savings as a strategy to grow your portfolio. We actively assess your tax situation because making money loses its value if a significant portion is surrendered in taxes.

Tax planning is seamlessly woven into our financial planning strategy.

As part of our holistic approach to wealth management, we evaluate your tax situation, identifying opportunities to shield your assets and save you money wherever possible.

We’re not CPAs and don’t prepare taxes, but we do collaborate closely with your CPA on your behalf. And if you're in need of a CPA, we're well-connected and can provide recommendations.

Tax efficiency is at the core of all our investment strategies. From exploring tax-free bonds to implementing charitable giving and crafting investment plans for your children, we strategically design tax-efficient solutions.

Addressing capital gains tax is another important consideration, and we provide access to various investment vehicles renowned for their tax efficiency.

Taking your unique financial situation into account, we’ll partner with you to keep more of your hard-earned money in your pocket.